British Dependency ADD

British Dependency

Hailing from the British Isle of Anguilla, British Dependency brings Root, Heart and Soul to Reggae music by fusing various genres with their three piece ensemble, drum, guitar and bass.

Their unique and eclectic sound appeals not only to those with a discerning musical palate but also those who are avid reggae fans. Adding to their vintage sound is a fresh take on the overall feel and look of the band which consists of Anguilla's first female bass player, Joyah along with drummer, Jaiden and lead vocalist and guitar player, Ishmael.

Pat McKay, Program Director at Sirius XM Radio, remarks, "It's exciting to get to know the group who at this point in their growth already have much of the tangible - they make original music - and intangible factors - multiple-creative-skills, looks, intellect - separating them from the pack. As we await the release of their album debut, I feel very hopeful this group represents where the music is heading so get on board!"

The Band lives by the mantra, "Creating music that reflects originality, talent, togetherness, bravery and wisdom. Our Music, Our Future, Our Independenceā€œ and with that they continue to push the boundaries and open new roads of empowerment and forward-thinking.